The Jean de Bloch Foundation was registered in the National Court Register on 25 February 2005.
The mission of the Foundation is to promote social values, attitudes and behaviour, and in particular entrepreneurship, diligence, creativity, the will to make efforts and sacrifices for the community, and courage in everyday life, necessary to foster civic society, characteristic of the work of Jean de Bloch, a banker and industrialist from Warsaw, the “spiritual father” of the First International Peace Conference at the Hague, and the founder of the first-ever Peace Museum.
The main goal of the Foundation is to promote public good, including to support the development of democracy and an open society actively involved in the European and the global community.
The Foundation pursues its goals in particular by:
1.supporting and financing scientific, educational and cultural programmes, ventures, and projects;
2.organising and financing exhibitions, competitions, and conferences; awards, distinctions, and scholarships;
4.supporting and financing publications; with organisations, State and social institutions, and individuals in pursuing the goals of the Foundation.
In order to pursue its goals, the Foundation may give support, including financial support, to other legal or natural persons working on the same goals as the Foundation.

To support the Foundation, please make a contribution to the following bank account

Fundacja im. Jana Blocha

ul. Wąwozowa 18/84

02-796 Warszawa

account no. 82 1140 1977 0000 5838 5600 10001 with BRE Bank SA, Warsaw Branch, ul. Domaniewska 41, 02-672 Warszawa